Local Government Lab 2022

Last updated: January 5, 2022

The Rockefeller Institute is seeking proposals for its annual Local Government Lab: A Forum for New York State Researchers, Practitioners, and Policymakers

Virtual conference will be held on Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Albany, NY — The Rockefeller Institute of Government is seeking proposals for presentations of completed and in-progress work for its annual one-day gathering of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. We particularly welcome in-progress work which can include empirical, applied, or case studies as well as innovative project work involving one or more local governments, school districts, or other special-purpose governments. This event will include presentations by researchers and other professionals conducting valuable research and applied local government work.

  • Research: Reports or paper presentations of in-progress research on local government organization and reorganization, policy development, citizen participation, finance, management, service delivery and service costing, competitiveness, employment, pensions, regionalization, federalism, home rule, local government in the courts, etc.
  • Applied and Innovative Projects: Reports of in-progress local government project work, including: cases of service delivery innovation, intergovernmental management or service delivery, new or innovative information technology and management applications, innovations in regional and state programs, and outreach to local governments.

We encourage presentation proposals from university faculty and professional staff, state and regional professionals who study and work with local governments, practitioners, or members of the consulting community. Past presentations and programs can be found on our Local Government Lab webpage. Reports and presentations may be selected, with author permission, for posting on the Rockefeller Institute website as a presentation or working paper.

By Sunday, January 16, 2022, please submit a 100-150 word abstract of your proposed presentation. Selected presenters will be notified by late January. Submission assumes that one of the authors will attend and present at the virtual conference hosted by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Presentation materials and papers for those selected will be submitted electronically by March 9, 2022.

Please send abstracts and any questions to:

Lisa Parshall
Rockefeller Institute of Government
411 State Street
Albany, NY 12203