Call for Papers: Symposium on the Evaluation of ACA Marketplace Experience

The Rockefeller Institute is seeking papers for a two-day gathering of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers engaged in applied research on the ACA marketplaces

Symposium to be held on October 23-24 at the Rockefeller Institute of Government in Albany, NY

The Rockefeller Institute began its research on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) a decade ago when it partnered with the Fels Institute of Government at the University of Pennsylvania, the Rand Corporation, and the Brookings Institution on a multi-state study to document lessons learned from the ACA implementation. This work was followed by a report in 2021 describing the successes of the health insurance marketplaces established under the law.

Now, in 2023, the Rockefeller Institute is pleased to partner with Florida State University’s Dr. William T. Hold/The National Alliance Program in Risk Management and Insurance and the American Risk and Insurance Association to hold a research symposium to coincide with the 10th anniversary of enrollment on the ACA exchanges. We are currently seeking proposals for individual and panel presentations of completed and in-progress work for a two-day gathering of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers engaged in applied research on the ACA marketplaces.

The general theme of the conference is the evolution of insurer participation, with emphasis on the extent of competition, entry and exit decisions, and the outlook on the stability of the exchanges. Related topics of interest include:

  • the impact of exchanges on new business formation and entrepreneurship,
  • potential opportunities for employers to offer exchange coverage,
  • network development and provider consolidation,
  • success of risk adjustment mechanisms and the viability of PPOs, and
  • consumer decisions.

The symposium is a two-day in-person event at the Rockefeller Institute of Government in Albany, NY, consisting of paper presentations and panel discussions with industry representatives and regulators. The symposium will run a full day on Monday (October 23) and end at noon on Tuesday (October 24). Papers presented at the conference will be considered for a special issue of the Risk Management and Insurance Review.

Paper submissions are due by Tuesday, August 1, 2023, and accepted papers will be notified by August 8. Full paper submissions will receive preference over proposals.

Please submit papers to with the subject line: ACA Marketplace Conference.