The Institute on Immigrant Integration Research and Policy (III-RP) Announces Regional Partners for Social Integration Survey of Immigrant New Yorkers

Albany, New York — The Institute on Immigrant Integration Research and Policy is pleased to announce the selection of several key regional organizations that will partner in a statewide effort to measure the social integration of immigrant New Yorkers. This initiative will deepen our understanding of the experiences and perceptions of immigrant communities across New York State.

The following organizations have been selected to represent their respective regions:

  • Syracuse Northeast Community Center
  • The Center (formerly known as Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees)
  • American Civic Association
  • Pronto of Long Island, Inc.
  • United Way of Westchester and Putnam
  • Catholic Charities Community Services, Archdiocese of New York
  • Keeping Our Promise, Inc.
  • Journey’s End Refugee Services
  • Saint Joseph’s Community Outreach Center
  • US Committee on Refugees & Immigrants (USCRI)

These regional partners will collaborate with III-RP in gathering and analyzing data to provide a comprehensive view of immigrant integration across the state. The insights gained will help to inform future initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life for immigrant communities in New York State.

These organizations will distribute a survey, available in ten languages, to their service recipients who are foreign-born. The responses will help paint a comprehensive picture of what it’s like to be an immigrant in New York. Once the surveys are collected and analyzed, a customized report will be produced. The findings of this initiative can help guide policymakers, elected officials, philanthropists, and community leaders on actions and policies to improve social integration.

According to Dr. Dina Refki, executive director of the Institute on Immigrant Integration Research and Policy, “We are excited to work alongside these outstanding organizations as we continue to explore how immigrant New Yorkers perceive and experience life in our state.” She added, “Together, we will be better equipped to support the ongoing success and integration of these communities.”

Regional reports, including a detailed analysis of the collected data, will be shared with stakeholders later this year.

Dr. Refki added, “The information shared in the report compiled on this project will also serve as a valuable resource for enhancing social cohesion in our incredibly diverse communities. Our aim is for it to be a tool that will help redefine how we approach immigrant integration in New York State.”

Those interested in learning more about the initiative can contact III-RP Deputy Director & Intergovernmental Liaison Guillermo Martinez at

About the Institute on Immigrant Integration Research and Policy

The Institute on Immigrant Integration Research and Policy seeks to advance the economic, social, and political integration of foreign-born New Yorkers and to promote responsive policies and practices. | @RockImmigration